E-commerce and especially marketplaces are the new retail.
A new retail that is characterized, above and beyond its digital nature, by access to data.
The era in which business decisions were based on intuition or subjective assessments is now history. We live in the era of measurement and data-driven decision making.
“In god we trust, the rest, bring me data”
Identifying all data sources
Amazon is known for its intense culture of data-driven decision making. In fact, it is often said that “Amazon will remain as it is today unless the data says otherwise”.
At Brainy Commerce we have been focused since our founding on identifying all the data sources available across Amazon’s various platforms. We have developed the methods to automatize the access and download of the information.
We have our own Business Intelligence platform that obtains from Amazon, via its API’s, all the relevant information of our sellers. Ask us about BAIP (Brainy Amazon Information Platform).
We cannot conceive starting or developing a project without data. We want them to be the ones who make our recommendations and not our opinions.
In the old retail, there are market research companies that offer periodic data on the behavior and evolution of sales of different categories and subcategories.
In the new retail marked by the digital era and especially in Amazon where there is no limit of space on its shelves, it is not easy to access this information.
In Brainy Commerce we have developed a methodology that allows our customers to have a lot of information about what is happening in their aisles in relation to variables as important as competitors, catalogs, pricing policy, consumer opinion or estimates and evolution of sales.
We tell you how we see it
It is likely that when you contact Brainy Commerce, you have already started selling on Amazon and are looking for help.
It’s not about starting from scratch but to improve what you have done so far and continue. Amazon doesn’t finish it…
We will analyze what you have done so far and we will make the first recommendations based on a data analysis.
Business Case
First of all, let’s do some numbers. Yes, selling on Marketplaces is a huge challenge and positioning our products so that they are seen and sold more and more, is a task that requires a good strategy and a lot of investment. An investment that will make a significant dent in our commercial margins.
We calculate costs and define the best strategy in search of sales and profitability.
Our teams work with the OKRs methodology (objectives and key results). We will ask you about your objectives, help you to define them precisely and establish the key results we need to achieve in order to reach them.